
I'm Dr. Deb Roman
Deb Sheinbach Roman, D.O.
Executive Physician Coach
My journey to medicine started when I worked as a summer intern in a hospital for traumatized children. I hoped to get experience with a speech therapist on staff, but as I walked the halls after hours, and listened for the children, the depth of their suffering, and the response of the medical director moved me in a way that would change my direction.
I remember this physician as a smaller man, serious and determined, and when most of the staff had left the hospital for the day, I would find him in his office, sitting quietly, staring off into the dimly lit room, contemplating ways to reach these children and help them find peace.
It seems natural to want to cry for these kids, scream with them, pound our fists at the injustice and sheer cruelty of their experience, but I wondered how we could help them heal.
I looked to this physician for guidance. He taught me without words, with glances and a timed touch of a child’s arm, with dedication to his art, seeking, listening and trusting in that which is innate and motivates our healing. He poured over charts, made endless calls to family members and other practitioners, and researched innovative treatments, but what I remember most was his time with the children.
When he was with the children, he was fully present, his eyes met theirs and they shared an unspoken, but profoundly clear connection, an acceptance that in itself was healing. Even the most withdrawn children seemed to watch for him, and at times seek him out.
After a few months, I went home and informed my parents that I was going to medical school. I had experienced something that had changed me, and while I didn’t completely understand what it was at the time, I knew that it was profound. Many physicians share similar stories, highlighting the connection between physicians and patients as a primary motivation for their decision to train to practice medicine.
After medical school and residency, I opened a solo family practice in a quiet neighborhood on the outskirts of Pennsylvania. Caring for patients of all ages and their families and friends in this community was a truly wonderful experience. At that time, there were no hospitalists, so after office hours, I visited patients in the hospital and worked closely with specialists and nurses to coordinate their care. Many of the relationships developed during those times continue to this day. It is always a joy when patients from those years reach out to let me know how they are doing and share updates on their children, many of whom were just born when I started my practice.
When pregnant with my third child, I transitioned from a full primary and hospital practice to a consultative integrative practice. I wanted to spend more time with my children and my patients and continue to learn about ways to help patients heal. I expanded each office visit to 60-90 minutes. Healing takes time, time for the patients to unwind and share their stories, time for physicians to carefully listen and offer advice, and importantly, time to explore healing together. Wonderfully, my children often joined me at the office, and many of my patients looked forward to spending time with them when they came in for their visits.
I continue to provide integrative consultations and care to individuals of all ages. Over the years, I have pursued advanced training in integrative medicine, the neuroscience of well being, movement and meditative practice as well as hands on osteopathic work. It is a privilege to offer patients a welcoming space to bring their concerns and challenges and accompany them as they work to enhance their health.
Over the past few decades, the practice of medicine has changed dramatically. Many of my physician colleagues, striving to negotiate these changes while continuing to meet their patients’ needs, began to share with me that they were no longer enjoying the practice of medicine and were considering decreasing their hours and even leaving the medical field altogether. I became very concerned about the well-being of my physician friends and peers and decided to become actively involved in local and national initiatives to address this crisis.
I founded Rediscovering Meaning In Our Work, a consulting and educational program with a focus on the well-being of physicians and medical school students. It is my hope to offer a space where physicians and other healthcare professionals feel seen and heard and truly supported as they identify ways to ease stress, enhance their well-being and engage in work that is meaningful and fulfilling.
I feel honored to work with the innovative team at MD Coaches, and am inspired by their sincere interest in serving our physician community. We strive to offer accessible, diverse and flexible coaching services to physicians and medical school students.
When I am not engaged in my work, I enjoy reading, writing, traveling and working in community to enhance connection, understanding and compassion. You can often find me hiking in the mountains or near the rivers with my friends and family and pup Luca.
Professional Achievements/Initiatives:
• Medical School – Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine
• Residency – Family Practice – Mercy Suburban Hospital. PA
• Board Certified in General Practice
• Founder of Rediscovering Meaning in Our Work
• Founder of Coaching Circles
• Executive Physician Coach with MD Coaches
Reach Out
Do you have a question? Are you looking for fulfillment, clarity, and peace of mind? Please reach out to me.